Dreaming about a single key on a key ring.
Broken car key dream meaning.
Dream about several keys.
So when it is broken down it suggests that work is required.
Broken key or bent dreams with broken keys that are bent or snapped in half have sexual connotations.
Dreaming of something broken in your dream is not a good sign.
If you had a dream about having several keys this dream indicates a physical journey.
It can represent impotence and lack of sexual drive.
Dreams of broken keys.
To find out the key in your dream implies that an old woman outside your family will solve the troubles within your family.
A broken key can indicate that you will be losing your authority power or status due to a mistake.
Feeling cut off or denied access to something you were previously able to.
Dreams about keys interpretation and meaning.
To dream of a broken key represents feelings about control access or feelings of exclusivity being taken away due to a mistake or conflict.
Dream dictionary of broken key.
Dreaming about keys in general.
For those who have had this dream the implication is the fact that some a part of your existence feels unfulfilling and you ll possess a sense that something precious is lost or misplaced.
Skeleton key or treasure box key a skeleton key or treasure key refers to old emotions or memories that you have stored or locked away.
If you dreamed about keys without any additional details such a dream might signify the need to bring some project you are working on to fruition to make space for doing some new things in life.
To see that the key is broken in your dream implies that you have dreams and you will implement some of your dreams soon.
You will get a chance to travel the world and experience life from a different perspective.
The question you have to ask yourself when you have a dream of a key is what is the problem i have today that needs a solution the key is a common apparition in dreams and it is the omen of new discoveries new settings fresh ideas thoughts or feelings new experiences and new knowledge that has been hidden from you.
Broken key dream meaning.
Broken key dream interpretation.
Pay attention to your decisions lately and analyze if this may affect the future result.
To dream of a broken key suggests that you can not open a lock or you may have a separation from your parents or.
Dream about different types of keys.
Your outlook on life is going to change completely and you will be extremely happy because of it.
To dream that you lose the key indicates that the troubles will disappear.
The dream about keys is a dream that refers to solutions to problems.
What does it mean to dream of broken key.
A car in a dream symbolizes dignity advancement honor and attainments that one may have in his life for a given period of time.
The sound of keys rattling in a dream is indicative of optimism about life and a feeling of control over the direction you are taking in life.